Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year!

Greetings! I hope you're enjoying your break!! Make sure you don't extend your break and be in school, Wednesday, January 4th! January is filled with important tasks. English I, we'll be finishing Romeo and Juliet. English II, we'll conclude Julius Caesar and Journalism, we are going to begin our class newspaper!

Exams are approaching and we must review, too. I am really enjoying my break, but I am eager to see you, in 2012. :)

Mrs. Fox

*** To my students with whom I play Words with're doing GREAT, but I'm, well, winning.***


Saturday, December 17, 2011

Two More Days!!

I know you're all gearing up for the upcoming break; I am, too! I'd like to extend my gratitude for the ways you have helped to support Family 59. I'm proud of you! We are wrapping up Shakespeare soon! Whether you're a freshmen or a sophomore, you have almost made it through a Shakespeare play! Good for you.

Journalism students: Look for a project when we return from break! :)

Basketball players: I'm sorry I missed the game, last night. The first person to come into my classroom and tell me the score gets a little surprise!

I'll see you, Monday!

P.S. Kaleigh- it's updated! And, I'm winning!! 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Awesome, awesome job on your Act II tests, today! They are all graded and I have a record number of A's and B's, some C's no D's and two that didn't make it, if you know what I mean. Way to go!! *Those* are the tests I like to grade.

Keep it up. If you slack, so too will your grade. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Great Job!!

English I & II: As you're finishing your character and scene profiles, I am smiling! Nice job and very creative.

4th Hour: Do those bells ring *every* day?! hahaha.

Journalism: No book needed for tomorrow. Newspaper Day!