Saturday, November 19, 2011

Welcome to Our Blog! :)

I hope this blog page helps you to keep up with upcoming assignments/projects, and I hope it helps you feel like you are a special part of this class, because you are special! This week is a short one, but we have important work to do. So, come to school and do your best! I'll take care of all the rest. :)

November 21-23:

English I: Tuesday- test over Romeo and Juliet, Act I. Make sure you can identify the key characters as either Capulet or Montague, and study the events of scenes 1-5.

Your thesis statement for the William Shakespeare report is due Wednesday.

English II: We will continue with Julius Caesar, Act I. 

We will also begin William Shakespeare research.

Journalism: Thanksgiving Feature Newspaper Project is due Tuesday! You should begin the poster- board portion by Monday. Remember, it's 100 points! You can't afford to take this assignment, lightly.

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